On the surface, the SheShatters movement is about burnout – about feeling good and finding balance in our careers, our relationships and our lives – but at its core, this movement is much more expansive. 

It’s all about saving ourselves from an ordinary life – and the key to doing that lies in the answer to a simple question: 

What brings you joy? 

A life coach asked me this question during my time at a spa during my burnout recovery journey, and in many ways, the answer has led me to where I am now. 

When I knew I was done with my previous work life but I couldn’t trust myself to stop working for fear of the unknown path ahead, it was the excavation of all my old patterns that helped me rediscover myself.  

For all the barriers to joy and happiness – fear and the inner critic, layers of shoulds, organizational limits, or in my case, the relentless need to be busy and productive – there are many more reasons to pursue it and create a better life. 

These are topics that need to be spoken about – and when Meridith Grundei and Joseph Bennett invited me onto their podcast, Are You Waiting for Permission?, I had the opportunity to do just that. 

Listen to my guest appearance below, and let me know what you think! 

Are You Waiting For Permission?: A conversation with bright light, Hannah Austin on Apple Podcasts

So what’s this episode really about? 

  • The value in exploring fear rather than fighting it
  • A new, hopeful perspective on the pandemic 
  • Dislodging the excuses that stand between us and our passions 
  • What we can learn from the women who went before us

Why you should listen

In life, change often comes with fear – and it’s that fear that keeps us from going after the things we really want. When you feel like clinging to excuses and comfortable limits, this episode – and the memory of the many brave women who have paved the way forward – will keep you on the right track. 



You can quote me on that… 

“Every single generation needs to take the history, unfurl it amongst themselves and then unleash that potential moving forward for the women of the future.” – Hannah Austin 

“There’s a razor thin edge between fear and the life you want to live.” – Hannah Austin